March 28, 2023 Arda Helvacılar

The Digital Era in Education: Implementing Technology to Create a Complete Training Experience 

The Digital Era in Education: Implementing Technology to Create a Complete Training Experience 

With rapid digitization, the education systems in the world has been through a change. There is no denying that the Internet has drastically changed our lives and the education. Until recently, the teachers and the schools were the main source of the education and the method of organizations was not that different from that. But that was before the revolution of the internet. Now we see different tools of learning. But, how can we use technology to have a complete training experience? 

The Covid-19 pandemic has severely impacted the education sector. We saw an accelerating shift towards digital-learning models and many experts say that the trend will continue in the wake of the virus outbreak. There are many things to do for adapting digital education to trainings. First of them is improving the platform we are planning to have education on. For organizations this is very important. Platform should allow organizations and learners to track the path of learning. By doing so platform can improve the service it offers and students can be aware of how things are going for them. The digital platform should also offer learners personalized learning experience. Everybody learns differently. Personalized learning aims to customize learning for each learner’s strengths, needs, skills and interests. If the organization’s platform is offering different options for different people, it is more likely to succeed. By using the tools of internet, the organizations also can make it possible to learn everywhere and at anytime. They can offer their employees the experience of micro learning. Thanks to these changes the digitalisation offers the education is getting more and more complete. With the changing tools of education it is possible to have a continuous learning experience. 

But the digitalization in education is not perfect. It has its inconveniences as well. Organizations must be aware of shortened attention spans of employees. Nowadays we have too many things to distract us and the education platform should not include any of these. The platform should use methods like gamification to keep learners interested. Online courses can also create a sense of isolation. Firms must remember to organize events besides the education they offer online. Digital learning also gives us freedom, but this freedom may cause procrastination. The platform should give us feedbacks on our education, so we can know if we are having an effective one. 

Digital education is a great way to improve the training given by firms. If firms can handle it correctly than they will be the ones to stand out. 


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